MaxHost – Web Hosting, WHMCS and Corporate Business WordPress Theme with WooCommerce


MaxHost – Web Hosting, WHMCS and Corporate Business WordPress Theme with WooCommerce

Maxhost WordPress theme comes with WHMCS templates and live page builder that lets you launch a professional web hosting website in a quick time.


Maxhost 9.0.0 is live with new Features!
Includes WHMCS 8.5.1 / 8.5.0 / 8.4.x / 8.3.x / 8.2.x / 8.1.x / 8.0.x / 7.10.x / 7.9.x compatible templates
Compatible with WordPress 6.0.x / 5.9.x / 5.8.x / 5.7.x
Compatible with WooCommerce 6.6.x / 6.5.x / 6.4.x / 6.3.x / 6.2.x / 6.1.x / 6.0.x / 5.9.x / 5.8.x — 5.0.x
Skip to full compatibility List




Maxhost is a well designed professional web hosting and corporate business WP theme, that lets you launch a fully functional professional website in less than half an hour. It comes with WHMCS templates (8.5x, 8.4x, 8.3x, 8.2x, 8.1x, 8.0x, 7.10x and 7.9x compatible) || WooCommerce || Revolution Slider || WPBakery Page Builder || Aweber || Mega Menu || Elementor Widgets and many more strong features.

Now you can use either Elementor or WPBakery drag and drop page builder, which are fast and intuitive to use, making it easy to build and arrange page layouts in real time. It means that you can play around with the look and feel of your site with an instant preview before your changes go live.

Do I need to buy Elementor Pro plugin for this?
No, you don’t need to buy Elementor pro plugin. Our custom widgets for Elementor is ready to use with the free version of Elementor plugin

High exhibition parallax scrolling effect mixed with precise typography animations and full-screen images, engage your visitors in an extraordinary browsing experience.

You cannot involve the users if the user experience sucks, extra efforts have been put into making the smoothest and fastest parallax scrolling ever!

In addition, Maxhost comes with elegantly styled WooCommerce (latest version) integration, so that you can up your online shop and start selling WooCommerce supported products in no time.

Ultra Responsiveness of Maxhost makes sure your site looks good in desktop, tablet or phone of your pocket. Off-canvas menu makes it easier for your tablet or mobile users to browse your site better.

WHMCS Templates

With Maxhost you will get different WHMCS templates for different versions of WHMCS (8.5x, 8.4x, 8.3x, 8.2x, 8.1x, 8.0x, 7.10x and 7.9x). The WHMCS Templates are ready to install on your WHMCS site.

You do NOT need to purchase WHMCS Bridge plugin. You can setup and use WHMCS without using the Bridge plugin. Other available themes with WHMCS are making you bound to use the Bridge Plugin which will cost you $$$ by paying them each month, but we aren’t, we want to save your money. Your monthly cost behind the Bridge plugin will be saved. You just need to have WHMCS license and then you will be able to setup the WHMCS template in your WHMCS site, within just a few minutes by following our given Documentation with the purchase files.

With the Maxhost templates in WHMCS it becomes so easy to buy/sell hosting packages, domains, SSL certificates, Website Security services, SEO tools, Weebly website builders, billing functionality and more. The Maxhost theme has the templates ready for WHMCS installations.

WHMCS Clients Area Login Demo

WHMCS Clients Area Login Demo
Demo User: [email protected]
Demo pass: #demopassword1


Key Features


  • All the Preview pages ready for 1 Click installation using WPBakery page builder
  • WPBakery drag and drop Page builder integrated
  • Revolution Slider plugin integrated
  • Elementor Plugin integrated
  • 100% WooCommerce Ready
  • WHMCS Template Ready
  • 7+ Home Styles, 4+ Header Styles, 4+ Footer Styles, 3+ Portfolio Styles, 2+ Blog Styles, 2+ Contact Styles
  • Aweber integrated for Subscribe Newsletter
  • 60+ Custom shortcodes
  • Multilingual Ready
  • WordPress Latest Version Compatible
  • 6 Months Free Support


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