My Team – Soccer – Football – Cricket – Sport Application
MyTeam is a mobile system which run under flutter platform that used for your own sport team or competition application. With powerful features and beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel can manage Matches, players ,users ,notifications ,rankings and others. This application created by flutter for client side and then Php/MySQL for Admin side. Run under flutter platform which allow you to build your app for the most popular operating systems in the world (iOS and Android). By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own sport application.
- Splash Screen
- Survey Questionnaire System with multi and single choices
- Latest Posts
- Favorites Posts
- Posts with Images
- Posts with Youtube Videos
- Posts with local Videos
- Posts comment system
- Posts share system
- Load more on scroll
- Matches
- Matches facts
- Matches statistics
- Matches highlights
- Matches head-to-head
- Matches rankings
- Rankings section
- Rankings tables
- My club section
- Players list
- Players statistics
- Players infos
- Staff list
- Articles list
- Trophies list
- Social media
- Video status
- Images status
- Text status
- Status Comment system
- Status Like system
- Privacy policy,Contact us pages
- Settings (Notification , version …)
- AdMob Ads : native ads , banner ads and interstitial ads
- Facebook Ads : native ads , banner ads and interstitial ads
- Smart rating systam
- Notification by using firebase
- Sign-in/Sign-up with Google
- Sign-in/Sign-up With Facebook
- Manage matches
- Manage competitions
- Manage rankings tables
- Manage Status
- Manage Posts
- Manage Trophies
- Manage Players
- Manage Articles
- Manage Staffs
- Manage Social network
- Manage users
- Manage clubs
- Manage comments
- Manage Support messages
- Manage countries
- Manage questions
- Manage Privacy Policy
- Manage Firebase setting
- Manage Notifications
- Manage Ads
- PHP Vertsion 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3
- Apache server
- MySQL Database
- Hosting with cpanel/WHM recommended
Kylian Madisse
January 3, 2021Competent support. Ready to help. Friendly. Clean code. It doesn\'t get any better than this 🙂
Syed Atif Sadaqat
March 26, 2021Awesome product and very useful for my business to date. The updates are steady and it works very well.
Haritha Rathnayake
June 29, 2021Super Support from the GplCode. Added the feature which is not even there in the theme. Wonderful service.
Jeanne Daniels
September 30, 2021Good service, just i wish they had some lifetime updates alternative purchasing option also, even if it was at a higher price.
William Chen
October 19, 2021Really worth the price. and minimal issues. I would say features but they are constantly improving. great product.
Carmine Manfr
December 9, 2021They say nothing is perfect, but this script almost is! A lot of features, works very well and it is also flexible and easy to customize, both from the user interface and through code.
Tran Danh Nam
December 24, 2021I am using this script for 2 months now and I can say this is adding so much value to your business!
Köksal Şaka
December 24, 2021Awesome !! great script !! thank you very much <3
Omar Lahkim
December 27, 2021Best of this type script. Excellent code quality, tons of features and good customer support.
Sokoty Koffi
December 27, 2021I am using this script for 2 months now and I can say this is adding so much value to your business!
Syed Atif Sadaqat
December 29, 2021Great service, and the best part is that you can find almost every theme and plugin here, which works perfectly. Thanks, gplcode, for such a great service. You are a boon to freelancers. Customer support is also great, they are always ready to help.
Vishal Kumar
December 29, 2021In a word, it is perfect, everything works fine, but for need 1 2 bits update.
Окей город
December 30, 2021Great service, and the best part is that you can find almost every theme and plugin here, which works perfectly. Thanks, gplcode, for such a great service. You are a boon to freelancers. Customer support is also great, they are always ready to help.