Dashtar – React eCommerce Admin Template


Dashtar – React eCommerce Admin Template

Dashtar – React eCommerce Admin Template. This is an e-commerce admin template built with React Js and Tailwindcss with Rest API integration. This template backend is ready and is built with node, express, mongoose schema validation and uses MongoDB for the database. Actually, it’s a complete MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) project but you can use it according to your need or any kind of e-commerce site admin template.


Tech We Used:

  • React.js
    Admin template built with React Js.
  • Tailwindcss
    Dashtar admin design with tailwindcss. A utility-first CSS framework.
  • Express.js
    Backend is built with node.js framework express.js for Rest API routes.
  • MongoDB
    Used MongoDB as a database with mongoose schema validation.

Main Features-Admin Template:

  • Admin is validated and only can access after login with valid credentials.
  • Showing total orders, processing, pending, canceling, and delivered orders.
  • All register customers list and show their total orders individually.
  • Staff creates, update, delete options with necessary validation.
  • Product creates, update, delete options with necessary validation.
  • Category creates, update, delete options with necessary validation.
  • Coupon creates, update, delete options with amount and time validation.
  • Order status changing options, pending, processing, delivered, or canceled.

Note :: In Admin Dashboard all changes work(CRUD operation) properly, but as it demos so CRUD operation is disabled and showing just notification now.

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