ALD – AliExpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce


ALD – AliExpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce


Do you want to start an online business with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce?

Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce is most likely a keyword that is frequently searched on browsers. If you are new to an online business, Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce is the best option for you because it allows you to start an online business at a low cost, with low risk, attractive revenues, and a wide range of products from

The most common questions about Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce are:

  • How do I use Aliexpress Dropshipping to import products into WooCommerce?
  • Can these products be customized?
  • How do you manage the price and quantity of your Aliexpress products to maximize your profit?
  • Do I have to manually fulfil Aliexpress’s orders?
  • Do I have to manually fulfil orders from Aliexpress?

All of these concerns can be addressed by Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce and ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce, which is the best option that you should not overlook.

ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce is a plugin that enables store owners to import products from into their own WooCommerce store. This allows shop owners to easily process and run their own Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce with a wide range of Aliexpress products and earn more money from their online business.



* IMPORTANT NOTE: Regarding Accuracy of Raw Information from AliExpress.

We make no guarantees about the raw information imported from AliExpress and AliExpress API provided by our plugin and will not be held liable if it is not accurate, complete, or up to date, or if it does not otherwise satisfy your specific needs. All risks regarding to raw information and the material may not be excepted and will not be our responsibility.

There may be instances when the information provided through the plugin contains typographical mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions that come from AliExpress and AliExpress API such as product descriptions, promotions, offers, pricing, shipping fee, availability, and delivery timeframes. Apart from official laws require, we make no commitment to correct, update, alter, or clarify such material. There is no specific update or refresh date supplied through AliExpress and AliExpress API that should be interpreted as indicating that all information on AliExpress has been edited or updated.



Connect Aliexpress and WooCommerce store

You can connect these 2 platforms WooCommerce and Aliexpress by one of 2 methods using:

  • Secret key
  • WooCommerce REST API

Import products using Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce

This plugin allows you to import products from Aliexpess to your WooCommerce store:

  • Import single products: The plugin allows you to import single products.
  • Import category: The plugin allows you to import categories, too.

Manage Aliexpress products in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce

You can set up global rules for products and price, also manage Aliexpress products in the Import List and quickly observe in the Imported sections before transferring to the WooCommerce store. In addition, you can customize Aliexpress products the same as other WooCommerce products.

+ Setup global rules:

a. Global rules for products: These rules will be applied in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store including:

  • Products Status: Choose the status of imported products on your WooCommerce website. In particular, product status can be automatically set: Publish, Pending or Draft.
  • Use global attributes: By default, all attributes of imported products are custom attributes. Basically, enabling this option allows us to automatically transfer those attributes to global attributes.
  • Show shipping option: Enable this option to display the shipping option in the Import list. Particularly, this feature will help to show the shipping cost of available shipping methods. Certainly, it will be easy for you to estimate product costs after calculating shipping costs.
  • Add shipping cost after price rules: Shipping cost will be added to the price of the original product after applying price rules.
  • Import as a simple product: If a product just has one variation or you select one variation to import, that product will be imported as a simple product. However, variation SKU and attributes will not be used.
  • Catalog visibility: This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on. In particular, it can be: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden
  • Product description:  Select to display product description and/or item specifics or not show this info in the imported product.  In details, selection can be: None; Item specifics; Product description; Item specifics & Product description
  • Download description images: Enable this option to allow importing images in the product description if they are available.
  • Default select product images: Enable it, the First image will be selected as the product image and other images (except images from the product description) are selected in the gallery when adding the product to the import list.
  • Disable background process: When importing products, instead of letting their images download in the background, the main product image will be downloaded directly, gallery and variation images (if any) will be added to Failed images pages so that you can go there to download them manually.
  • Default categories: Fill in the category titles, so imported products will be added to these categories.
  • Default product tags: Fill in the tag titles, so imported products will be added to these tags.
  • Product variations are visible on the product page: Enable to make variations of imported products visible on the product page.
  • Manage stock: Enable to manage stock and import product inventory. However, if you disable this option, the product stock status will be set to “Instock” and product inventory will not be imported.
  • Ignore import ship from Enable to only import product variation with the ship from China.
  • Find and Replace: You can search for strings in the product title and description and replace found strings with respective values.

b. Global rules for product price: These rules will apply in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store.

  •  Exchange rate: This option allows you to convert US Dollars to your store currency from any amount. In addition, there are 2 ways to add the exchange rate: Click on the Update rate or add the exchange rate manually.  Another key point, if this field sets the value as 1, it means that there is no change in currency ($USD as default).
  • Exchange rate API: You can choose one of the available API currency exchange rate sources such as Google Finance, Yahoo finance, Cuex, TransferWise.
  • Exchange rate decimals: Number of decimals to round exchange rate when updating the exchange rate with API.
  • Update rate automatically: Enable this option to automatically update the exchange rate as a schedule, especially, accurately at days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Setup product price rule for multi quantity ranges. In particular, you can set a quantity range respectively with an action type.
  • Setup price format: rules for product price more attractive. Thus, take advances in pricing psychology in the sale.

c. Customize all attribute terms: Display all variations of product attributes in the Product Attribute tab, so you can edit or replace current variation terms with any you want.

d. Update price and quantity manually whenever Aliexpress store changes: Offer options to update product price, quantity and send the email notification.

e. Product overriding: Set rules for overridden products.


+ Manage Aliexpress products in the Import List: Allows doing customizations for all individual products before importing to WooCommerce products.

  • Product: Customize Aliexpress product information.
  1. Product Title:  Name of the product. SKU: Product SKU or ID of Aliexpress product
  2. Product status: Aliexpress product status on WooCommerce store such as Public, Pending or Draft.
  3. Catalog visibility: Select type of product visibility such as Shop and search results; Shop only; Search result only.
  4. Categories: Choose categories the Aliexpress product belongs to.
  5. Tags: Tag for the Aliexpress product on the WooCommerce store.
  • Description: Customize Aliexpress product descriptions.
  • Attributes: Customize Aliexpress product attributes. Shortly, you can edit attribute terms for each product in this tab, just click on the Edit button and modify terms. You can delete an attribute if you no longer need it.
  • Variations: Customize Aliexpress product variations.
  1. The number of variations of the products: You can select a or some, also all variations to import.
  2. Product variation images: You can select a or some, also all product variation images to import.
  3. SKU: SKU of variation products can be editable.
  4. Variations of product, you can edit variation terms in the Dropship & Fulfil > Product Attribute tab for all attributes of all imported products or in the Import List > Attributes for each individual product.
  5. Shipping cost: Display shipping cost of available shipping methods. In particular, enable the Show shipping option in the Product tab to display this shipping cost field.
  6. Cost: Display the original price of the product on Aliexpress.
  7. Display Sale price and Regular price of Aliexpress product on WooCommerce store. These prices calculate after applying rules in the Product price tab.
  8. Inventory: Display number of variations in stock.
  9. Split product by variations: You can split into single products respectively with a number of variations available in an attribute or assign a certain variation to split.
  • Gallery: Observe and select images to import media library.
  • Bulk action: This allows interaction with a range of selected products. Just select products applied bulk action, bulk action feature will appear including setting: Categories; Tags; Status: Public; Pending; Draft; Visibility: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden; Import selected; Remove selected.

+ Manage Aliexpress products in the Imported: Allows to quickly observe Aliexpress products that imported in WooCommerce product, also do product overriding and update products.

  • Quickly observe Aliexpress products that are imported in WooCommerce product including Product title, SKU, Cost, WooCommerce price, Shipping info to calculate price when updating products, WC product status;
  • Overriding products: Do override an alternative product for the initial one. In detail, you can go to the Product Overriding tab to set rules for overridden products.
  • Update products: This option allows you to update product price and quantity, which helps you keep tracking of product statuses on Aliexpress.


Manage Aliexpress Orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce

You can go to Ali Orders section to quickly check and fulfil Aliexpress orders. Besides, you can go to order admin in WooCommerce to edit and fulfil orders.

  • Aliexpress Orders: This section in the plugin allows you to quickly observe and fulfil Aliexpress orders.
  • Order admin in WooCommerce: Manage Aliexpress order the same as other WooCommerce orders, moreover, you can do fulfil Aliexpress orders.
  • Update Aliexpress order ID and tracking number: There is an option to manually sync the Aliexpress order ID and tracking number from Aliexpress to WooCommerce.


Fulfil orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce

+ Fulfill options: These settings in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce allow you to set up global rules for fulfilling orders automatically on AliExpress.

  • Aliexpress API: Get Access Token to fulfil Ali orders through API. The access token will appear when you enter a valid update key of the plugin in the Update tab.
  • Carrier company: Select a default carrier company for all imported products from in your WooCommerce store.
  • Default phone number: If an order does not have a phone number, this number will place when fulfilling the Aliexpress order.
  • AliExpress Order Note: This note will add to the AliExpress order when an order is fulfilled.
  • Show action: Order status to show a fulfilled action. In particular, you can set these statuses: Pending payment, On hold, Completed, Canceled, Refunded, Failed.
  • Change order status: Automatically change order status after order id & tracking number of an order are synced successfully.

+ Fulfill orders in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce: There are 2 ways to fulfil orders using the plugin’s extension or AliExpress API in the Ali Orders section.

Order by AliExpress API: Follow these steps to fulfil Aliexpress orders by API

1: Go to the update tab.

2: Add your Auto-update key, you can click on the Get key button. Besides, you can follow this guide to get the auto-update key.

3: Save & Check key.

4: Go to the Fulfill tab.

5: Click on the “Get Access Token” button. Note: Only Get a new access token if your current access token is expired or invalid.

Then go to Ali Orders section to fulfil orders by Aliexpress API.


Order with Extension: Follow these steps to fulfil Aliexpress by the extension of Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce

1: Make sure your site has connected with the plugin’s extension. In detail, you can follow this link on how to connect plugin extension: By Secret key or by WooCommerce Rest API.

2: Click on the Order with Extension button in the Ali Orders section. Similarly, you can go to Order admin in WooCommerce to fulfil an order in this way.


+ Fulfill orders in Order admin of WooCommerce: Similarly, You can go to WooCommerce/ Orders to fulfil Aliexpress orders.


Product update in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce

  • Product updating options: Activate settings in the Product updating tab allow you to update the changes in the product price and quantity. In addition, the plugin supports sending notification emails about the change. Besides, You can do updates manually in the Import List and Imported section.
  • Check update changelog: There are 3 ways to check price and quantity changelog: by notification emails, in Imported section or Logs section.

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