Smart Invoice System
Smart Invoice System v1.9
customer relationship management (CRM)
is a simple and powerful web app based on PHP CodeIgniter framework manage invoices.
Smart invoice System is customer relationship management (CRM) since version 1.8
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- Installer Wizard Easy Installation (Deploy with Installer Wizard)
- Minimum Requirements check
- Database configuration
- Create Database
- Create Administrator user
- Init System Configuration
- System Configurations Easy to use and configure
- Update system configurations
- Choose System Language
- Choose Default Currency
- Update Prefix for Invoices, Estimate and Payment receipt
- Update Online Payments settings
- Email Server Setup
- Uploader Settings
- Custom fields
- Reminders Settings
- Chat Settings
- Multi Language
- 9 languages English / French / Arabic / Turkish / Spanish / Russian / Romanian / German / Italian
- You can translate all the application to other languages easily
- Support RTL direction
- Invoice Template Invoice Template can be configured
- Choose Header Model (5 models)
- Change text apparance (color, fonts and background color)
- Page Size (A4, A5, US Letter, US Legal)
- Page layout (Landscape or Portrait)
- Show or hide parts of invoice
- Users
- Create multi-users
- Set Users roles: Admin, Member
- Change / Recover password
- Activate account with email
- Disactive User accounts
- Enable / Disable registring new users
- Register new users
- Company Configuration
- Set information about your company
- Integrate Company information on Invoice header & footer
- Upload a logo
- 4 custom fields
- Dashboard
- Moment numbers
- Invoices Per Date chart
- Last Invoices List
- Invoices count per status chart
- Manage Invoices and customers
- Create, Update, Detele and Duplicate Invoices
- Create, Update, Detele and Duplicate Estimates
- Create, Update, Detele and Duplicate Recurring invoices
- Create, Update, Detele Payments
- Download Invoices, Estimates, Payments receipt as PDF format
- Choose Invoices, Estimates, Payments Status
- Create , Update or Delete Customers
- Automatic reference with Types
- Send Invoices, Estimates, Payments receipt By Email
- Print Invoices, Estimates, Payments receipt
- Multi Tax system
- Manage Tax rates
- Create Customer account (Automatic)
- Manage Expenses and Suppliers
- Create, Update, Detele Expenses
- Create, Update, Detele Expenses Categories
- Create , Update or Delete Suppliers
- Payment Online
- Paypal
- Stripe
- 2Checkout
- Main Menu
- Responsive Design (Support Mobiles)
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Hint navigation
- Import & Export Data
- Importing data as CSV or Excel files
- Exporting data as CSV, Excel or Text files
- Database Backup
- Save backup of database
- download a backup
- Restore system to old point
- Delete old backups
- Tools
- Chat support
- Calculator
- Currency Exchange
- Email Reminder
- Overdue Reminder
- Notifications
- Finance Reports
- Profit & Loss
- Tax Summary
- Accounts Aging
- Invoice Details
- Revenue by clients
- Clean and modern look
- Responsive Design (Support Mobiles)
- Clean code
- Change language with cookie
- Security check: XSS + Injection SQL + CSRF
- Security: Limit the number of login attempts to 3
- Security: SSL
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