UdhaarBook (Money Manager)


UdhaarBook (Money Manager)

UdhaarBook (Cashflow Management)

This app keep tracks of your borrowings to someone and someone’s borrowings to you, Apartly this also used to manage suppliers.


  • Add unlimited customers
  • Add unlimited suppliers
  • Add unlimited customers transactions
  • Add unlimited suppliers transactions
  • Add bills attachments to customer’s transactions
  • Add bills attachments to supplier’s transactions
  • Add transaction IDs to customer’s transactions
  • Add transaction IDs to supplier’s transactions
  • Send SMS as soon as you add transactions either to customer or to supplier
  • Edit SMS templates of customer’s transactions and supplier’s transactions
  • Edit supplier profile
  • Edit customer profile
  • Add customers from contacts
  • Add suppliers from contacts
  • Set reminder to get paid or pay to customer or supplier
  • Admob Implementation
  • Cloud Backup(Backend without UI till now on laravel framework 8.2)

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