WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Or Shipping Date Per Product
WooCommerce Estimated Delivery Or Shipping Date Per Product allow you to display estimated delivery/shipping date per product and order. You can display estimated delivery date on product page,shop page,product archive page,cart page,checkout page, order page and order email. Using this plugin you can display estimated delivery date for each product.
This plugin offers you multi-level, delivery time management. It allows you to establish and personalize delivery times for each one of the products available in your woocommerce website and on several levels. This plugin is entirely customizable. You have the possibility to display and completely personalize delivery messages. You can specify delivery times on different levels (global, product, variation…).
Plugin also provide option for combine all cart product delivery date and display only single date for order on cart,checkout and order page base on product in cart with minimum/maximum delivery time.
More Features
- Estimated Delivery Date display on each product page.
- Estimated Delivery Date display on cart,checkout,order page and order email for each item or as combine order date.
- Provide option for enter delivery time for each product or/and as global setting for all product.
- Provide option for set different delivery time for outofstock product as global or for each product.
- Provide option for set different delivery time for backorder product as global or for each product.
- Provide option for set different delivery message for each product or as global for all product.
- Provide option for set different delivery message for outofstock and backorder product.
- Provide option for set delivery date format.
- You can display delivery message in many different format
For example- Product will be deliver in 2 days
- Product will be deliver on 20 March 2022
- Product will be deliver between 2-5 days
- Product will be deliver between 12 March – 15 March etc..
- Plugin provide option for load delivery date on product page via ajax so it will work with any cache plugin
- Plugin also provide option for combine all cart product delivery date and display only single date for order on cart,checkout and order page base on product in cart with minimum/maximum delivery time.
- Provide option for add holidays, week day off, specific day off and date range so you can get more accurate delivery estimate
- Provide option for set delivery end time for day
- Provide option for hide/show delivery message on cart page,checkout page,order page and order email
- Provide option for hide/show delivery message on product archive and shop pages
- Option for hide/show delivery message for outofstock and backorder product
- Supported all type of physical products
- You can easily import/export delivery time for each product using woocommerce product import/export function
- Easily set/modify delivery time using product bulk edit and quick edit function
- Option for set delivery message for combine order date for cart and checkout page
- You can display combine order delivery date message from any of six position on cart page.
- Before Cart Table
- After Cart Coupon
- After Cart Content
- After Cart Table
- Cart Collaterals
- Before Cart Total
- You can display combine order delivery date message form any of eight position on checkout page.
- Before Checkout Form
- Before Customer Detail
- Before Billing Detail
- After Billing Detail
- Before Shipping Detail
- Before Order Notes
- After Order Notes
- Before Order Review
- You can display combine order delivery date message form any of four position on customer order detail page.
- Before Order Detail Table
- After Order Detail Table
- After Order Detail
- After Customer Detail
- You can display combine order delivery date message form any of five position on order email.
- Before Order Detail
- After Order Detail
- Before Order Meta
- Before Customer Detail
- After Customer Detail
- Different delivery text color option for outofstock,instock,backorder product and combine order message
- Supports WPML-compatibility
- Easy to use, No coding require
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