TCG CRM – Django CRM & HRM Software With Agency Website


TCG CRM – Django CRM & HRM Software With Agency Website


About TCG CRM – Django CRM & HRM With Creative Agency Website

Introducing TCG CRM – Django CRM & HRM With Creative Agency Website, a comprehensive solution tailored for agencies and businesses. Seamlessly integrating a powerful CRM system with a full-fledged HRM suite, it offers functionalities for managers, HR professionals, employees, and more. Manage all your business within one elegant platform. Elevate your organizational management with TCG CRM – your all-in-one solution for streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.

Important Notice

Please Note: Utilizing TCG CRM requires basic to intermediate knowledge of Python, particularly as it relates to Django. If you’re not familiar with these technologies, we recommend consulting the included Quick Start Guide or seeking assistance from a knowledgeable professional. This ensures a smooth implementation and operation of the CRM system and also your server need python application support in order to install it in live server.

Key Features:

    • Front Website:
      1. Pages: Home, About, Services, Pricing, Projects, Blogs, Contact, Sign In, Sign Up, Forget Password
      2. Content Sections: Slider, Teams, Services, Projects, Testimonials, Fun Facts, Clients, Blogs, Social Links
      3. User Interaction: Subscription and Contact Forms, Agreement Sign Form
      4. Customization: Dark/Light Mode
      5. Footer: Multiple Columns of Data
      6. Dynamic Sitemap: Complete dynamic sitemap


    • Admin Panel/Dashboard:
      1. Multiple Dashboards: Admin Dashboard for Website Management, CRM Dashboard for Client/Project/Invoice Management
      2. Content Management: Manage Website Pages, Blogs, and Blog Categories
      3. Projects/Portfolio: Manage Projects and Project Categories
      4. Services: Manage Services
      5. Frontend Elements: Manage Slider, Testimonials, Fun Facts, Team Members, Clients, and Pricing
      6. Form Data: View and Delete Contact Form Submissions, Manage Subscribers
      7. User Management: Create, Delete, and Edit User Data with Different Roles
      8. Marketing: Create promotional banner, Send Bulk Emails & SMS
      9. Settings: Configure Website Settings, Header/Footer, Menus, SEO Settings, Payment Getaways, OpenAI Settings, Languages
      10. Individual Profiles and Roles: Three Roles – Admin, Editor, User, Manager, HR, Employee


    • CRM Dashboard:
      1. Data Overview: Monitor Revenue, Expenses, Profit, Tickets, Invoices, and Payments
      2. Client Management: Create, Delete, and Edit Client Data
      3. Tickets: Manage Client-Submitted Tickets with Status Tracking
      4. Project Management: Create, Delete, and Edit Projects for Clients
      5. Invoice Management: Create, Delete, Edit Invoices, Add Products, Discounts, and Send Invoices via Email
      6. Shop: View orders of clients, Manage Items/products, Item categories
      7. Task Management: Manage tasks in the projects
      8. Payments Management: Add, Delete, and Update Payments for Invoices
      9. Expense Management: Create, Delete, and Edit Company Expenses
      10. AI Assistant: Interactive AI tools for generate useful contents
      11. Reports: Get time based report of sales, invoice, expense, clients. projects, orders etc.


    • User Dashboard:
      1. User Data Overview: Greetings, Total Projects, Invoices, Payments, Due Counts, and Tickets
      2. Tickets: Users Can Create, View, and Reply to Their Tickets
      3. Shop: Users can make purchase directly from the shop with payment
      4. Projects: View Project Details, Progress, Payments, Invoices, Tickets, and Tasks
      5. Invoice: View and Print Invoices
      6. Payments: View Payments for Their Invoices
      7. AI Assistant : Admin can turn off this AI tools for users or clients.
      8. Reports: View Time Based Reports
      9. Profile: Edit Profile Details, Change Password


    • Admin HRM Dashboard:
      1. Data Overview: Greetings, Total Branch, Department, Projects etc.
      2. Staff: Add, Delete, and Edit Manager, HR and Employees from here.
      3. Payroll: Set salary for employees and generate monthly payslip
      4. Occurrences: Add, Delete, and Edit Attendance, Notice, Holidays and Events also see Event Calendar
      5. Company: Add, Delete and Edit Branches, Department, Designations and Job Types
      6. Leaves: Add, Delete and Edit Leave Types, Leave Requests and Approve/Reject Leave Requests
      7. Meetings : Add, Delete and Edit Meetings
      8. Alert: Add and Edit Warning and Terminations of Employees


    • Manager HRM Dashboard:
      1. Data Overview: Greetings, Branch, Department, Projects etc.
      2. Staff: Add, Delete, and Edit HR and Employees from here.
      3. Payroll: Set salary for employees and generate monthly payslip
      4. Occurrences: Add, Delete, and Edit Attendance, Notice, Holidays and Events also see Event Calendar
      5. Leaves: Add, Delete and Edit Leave Types, Leave Requests and Approve/Reject Leave Requests
      6. Meetings : Add, Delete and Edit Meetings
      7. Alert: Add and Edit Warning and Terminations of Employees


    • HR HRM Dashboard:
      1. Data Overview: Greetings, Branch, Department, Projects etc.
      2. Staff: Add, Delete, and Edit Employees from here.
      3. Payroll: Set salary for employees and generate monthly payslip
      4. Occurrences: Add, Delete, and Edit Attendance, Notice, Holidays and Events also see Event Calendar
      5. Leaves: Add, Delete and Edit Leave Types, Leave Requests and Approve/Reject Leave Requests
      6. Meetings : Add, Delete and Edit Meetings
      7. Alert: Add and Edit Warning and Terminations of Employees


    • Employee HRM Dashboard:
      1. Data Overview: Greetings, Branch, Department, Projects etc.
      2. Projects: View the projects employee working on and can complete their assigned tasks.
      3. Payroll: Can see their salary and monthly payslip
      4. Occurrences: Can view Attendance, Notice, Holidays and Events also see Event Calendar
      5. Leaves: Can view their leaves and request new leave
      6. Alert: Can see their warnings


  • Security
    1. SQL Injection Protection
    2. CSRF Protection
    3. Password hashing
    4. Secure authentication
    5. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection

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