Puppet Hockey Battle ( Sport Game | HTML5 + CAPX )


Puppet Hockey Battle ( Sport Game | HTML5 + CAPX )


Puppet Hockey Battle Features

  • Touch and Keyboard
  • Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
  • Easy to Change Source
  • Full HD (1920×1080)
  • Construct 2 (capx) file included
  • Construct 3 (c3p) file included
  • Events are organized by groups
  • Events are commented and explained
  • You can choose 12 different teams

For Mobile

  • Cordova folder for phonegap
  • Admob Ads ( banner and interstitial )
  • You can export to Android and iOS

For Web

  • HTML5 Web folder ready to use on your website.
  • Facebook Instant Game files Included
  • Playable in (chrome, Firefox, IE…).
  • Facebook Share
  • Twitter Share

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