Medical Store GST Billing, Accounting and Inventory Wholesale and Retail | Full Source Code


Medical Store GST Billing, Accounting and Inventory Wholesale and Retail | Full Source Code


Medical Store GST Billing, Accounting and Inventory.

Mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp +91 9975683887

Short Demo :


    • Master/Manage
      • Company Details
      • Product
      • Patient
      • Doctor
      • Area/Locality
      • Product Unit
      • Bank

Multiple Company Added
Thermal Print (Retail Invoice/Cash Memo) Added

    • Product & Batches List(Added Filter: Product Name,Batch No. & Expiry Date Between)
    • Accounting (Outstanding, Trial Balance, Account Ledger, Balance Sheet)
    • Product Stock (Starting/Opening, Excess, Shortage, Report/Ledger)
    • Backup/Restore/Daily-Backup Database
    • Dynamic controls visibility (Sale, Purchase, Credit Note, and Debit Note)
    • Print (A4, A5, and Original/Duplicate/Triplicate/Q.)
    • Login Enable/Disable
    • Tax Inclusive/Exclusive
    • User Management (Add/Remove, User Permission/Access, Change Admin Password)
    • SMS Module
    • Alert for Outstanding Client (if Due Days Cross)
    • Alert For out of Stock Product.
    • Database lock With Password.
    • Daily Backup.
    • Demo and Activation software options(if not purchase).
    •   Developed Using

      • Visual Studio 2015
      • VB.NET
      • SQLite (Database)
      • Crystal Reports 2013
    • Requirement
      • Crystal Reports Runtime
      • .Net framework 4.6

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