ListingPro Native Android Mobile App
Create a native mobile android app for your ListingPro template website in few easy steps. It requires no plugin or installation on your WordPress ListingPro website, just edit the strings.xml file in the source code file to input your ListingPro Directory website url, and the build apk using Android Studio to get the signed apk file. The documentation (comes with the purchase) gives a detailed build process from installation of Android Studio to its release. For listing directory business like yelp, yellow pages and ListingPro websites, having a mobile app makes a big difference for you and your end users.
The app source code was developed and will be maintained by OVO Software, we are in no way affiliated with Cridio Studio. This app was tested on the ListingPro version 2.5+ theme. You can test the app and watch a demo video at the Google drive link:
For customization and addition of extra features contact us: [email protected]
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