eVoting – Online Voting System


eVoting – Online Voting System

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eVoting – Users are provided with a online registration form before voting user should fill detail with required document. User details are verified by higher authority. If given detail by user will fulfill the voting terms and condition then user will approved for voting and user will get username and password on his/her Gmail, using this information user can login and vote. If given detail by user will not fulfill the voting terms and condition then user will not approved for voting.

User can also apply as candidate and candidate should fill detail with required document. Candidate details are verified by higher authority. If given detail by candidate will fulfill the voting terms and condition then user will approved and candidate will get username and password on his/her Gmail, using this information candidate can login and candidate can able access his/her dashboard. If given detail by candidate will not fulfill the terms and condition then candidate will not approved.


Key Features

  • Build in Flutter 3.3.2 & Laravel 10.
  • Web, Android & ios source code.
  • Mobile App for Voters.
  • Admin, Manager, Candidate & Voter dashboard.
  • Users Management.
  • RTL
  • Language Translation.
  • Constituency wise data.
  • Candidates.
  • Verified Voters.
  • Non-verified Voters.
  • Constituency Management
  • Designation Management.
  • Party Classifications.
  • Election Classifications.
  • FAQ Management.
  • Blog Management.
  • Location management.
  • Apply as Candidate.
  • Vote for Candidates.
  • Party Reports.
  • Voter Report By Constituency
  • General Site Setting
  • Terms & Condition pages.
  • Privacy Policy pages.
  • PWA Ready.
  • Mail Setting.
  • WhatsApp Button Widget.
  • Registration Enable / Disable Settings.
  • Documentation Include

Server Requirements

You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

PHP = 8.1.13, Apache, MySQL 5.7, PHPMyadmin

if using Maria DB the 10.4

I use Laravel framework version 10

Flutter Version 3.3.2

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