Total Survey – Responsive WordPress Survey Plugin
TotalSurvey is a powerful WordPress Survey Plugin that lets you conduct effective surveys that generate valuable and actionable insights.
Knowledge Base
The knowledge base covers every aspect of TotalSurvey functionality and provides step-by-step tutorials and guides to start with TotalSurvey in almost no time.
Customer Support
Customer support is our most important priority. That’s why ~70% of reviews are about support quality. We take this responsibility very seriously.
Hear what our customers are saying.
Features list
- Unlimited surveys
- Unlimited entries
- Unlimited content & fields blocks
- Duplicate survey
- Reset survey
- Import survey
- Export survey
- Presets
- Intuitive browser
- Keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the entries
- Filter entries
- Export entries
- Delete entry
- Print entry
- Entry entry
- Reset entries
- Custom welcome & thank you message
- Require authentication
- Limit how many entries a user can submit by session, IP, and per user
- Control the start or the end date of the survey
- Redirect survey-takers to a specific URL
- Allow survey takers to see and print their entry
- Skip logic (jump logic) based on answers
- Duplicate survey section
- Reorder survey section
- Content blocks: Title, image, spacer, embed, HTML
- Fields blocks: Text, choices, multi-choices, scale, dropdown, text area, number, date, Likert, file, rating, image choice.
- Colors controls
- Elements size controls
- Spacing between elements’ size controls
- Roundness controls
- Custom CSS
- Shortcode
- Survey & entry permalink
- PHP Code
- Popup (Modal) with the ability to control what pages should appear and the position of the prompt and close behavior.
- Conditional logic
- Send an email to the survey taker
- Redirect to a specific URL (always or based on a set of conditions)
- Execute WebHook
- Execute WordPress hook
Insights & Reports
- Insights per section
- Export insights
- Filter insights
- Publish insights
- Interactive charts
- A recurring report in different intervals: daily, weekly, monthly, with the ability to customize the content of the report (survey sections to be included)
- Instant report generation with the ability to send it by email.
Score & Grades
- Scoring logic per section and question
- Customizable grades: label, color, range, content
- Points auto calculation
- Rich grade message (blocks-based editor)
- Grade and score are displayed within the entries list for a better overview.
- Filter entries based on the score
Translations & Internationalization
- Built-in translation editor: offer your survey in multiple languages, easy
- Ability to filter texts by section-level and block-level
- RTL support
- TotalSurvey is available in English, Arabic, and French. We are adding and updating language files regularly.
- The user’s language is stored within the entry information
General options
- Privacy-enhancement options: Hash IP Addresses, Hash User Agents, Honor Do-Not-Track
- Interface text customization: Change buttons, validation messages, and more.
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